
Utah Hunters Education Registration and Course Information

Hi and thanks for looking at my page, My name is Marty and I am a Hunter Education Instructor for the The State of Utah. Great news, yes we are still offering Hunters Education classes in the middle of this pandemic. Yes, this is the course you are looking for to complete the online hunters education course (Online Course with a field day). It is a pretty straightforward program that the state has put together to accommodate students that need to get their course completed as we deal with this shutdown and the social distancing recommendations. I want to help you get your courses completed and get through this process, if I can help you with any part of the program, I will try to accommodate you and work around your life. We are all busy and this epidemic has just made life more difficult, so please let me know if i can help. There has been a bit of confusion lately over if and how Hunters Education is being offered, and to be honest it has changed several times since the start of the ...

Shooting Exercise Instructions

Shooting Exercise Information The Shooting exercise needs to be completed following the outline provided below. Your mentor must be a graduate of a Hunters Safety Course and over the age of 21. I need a link to the video showing the completion of your shooting exercise. Try not to email me the video if possible as the compression required to send them typically removes so much detail that they are not usable in this context. An email with a link to a YouTube post, or sharing the video via google drive works very well. If you have another source to share the video, we can try it, but we may have to revert to one of these sources. If you put the video on youtube, I recommend posting it privately and once the class is over you can take it down. i may have to request access to view the video, if so, no big deal i will just request access and you will receive an email that will let you allow me to view the video. The video needs to not only show you performing your shooting exercise...